Plan Ahead For Spring Cleaning!

March 20, 2008, first day of Spring. before jumping into spring cleaning lets plan ahead and make a list of what we need to do and how we will do it. Planning ahead helps to ensure we can get our goals accomplished, and the satisfaction we feel when we are finished.
We first need to make a list of what we need to clean, organize, throw out and buy new. Organization in our daily lives helps us feel less stressed and more cheerful, having a clean home to live in helps in more ways than one. Your Spring Cleaning list should be broken down room by room, this will help the cleaning process go smoother.
You may want to start out with the kitchen and work your way through to the dinning room,living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, basements, sun porches, garages. Don't forget to clean around the outside of your home, these areas collect so much clutter through winter. A clean home inside and out makes you feel much better.
Once the inside of your home is cleaned and sanitized you will able to breathe better after eliminating dust,clutter and musky smells that were lingering in our home. Covering up such smells by just spraying the house with air freshener isn't enough. We need to remove things from shelves, corners, walls and so forth.
Don't just vacuum and dust around things, pull them away from their spot and clean under and behind as well. You will notice that there is a big difference between touch ups and actual cleaning. Changing the room around like the bedrooms and the living room creates a whole new feel, makes it like you have a new room.
If your tired of your old furniture and appliances, donate it to charity and buy new. Giving your home an over all new look makes living there more pleasurable. If you have children make sure the play area is cleaned well and sanitized, this helps reduce colds and flu. Throw away old and broken toys that your child no longer uses, a child may get cut and hurt on things scattered on the floor, buy some bins to keep toys oraganized.
There are so many ways to Spring clean your home and when you have a list it will make that dreadful cleaning much easier on you. Remember, make a list, clean, sanitize, organize, throw out, buy new. Happy cleaning!
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