Wiccans Rule!

A thought came to mind today as I was thinking of what to blog about, so many subjects how does one choose? I decided to make a post on Wicca since I have recently become a third degree High Wicca Priestess, yes it's my way of life and the one I chose. Everyone has their own opinions of what or who they want to worship and I chose this path many years ago and have been more than happy with the way I live.
We Wiccans have come along away through the years, there are more and more people who have become involved in the craft. The Wiccan way of life is enjoying, interesting, fulfilling, but definately not for everyone, you have to put your whole heart into it and just saying one is Wiccan and actually living it is two different things. I have had people come to me saying they also are Wiccan, and when I asked some questions they didnt even know the anwers, so that lead me to believe they weren't really Wiccan at all.
There are those individuals that are interested in the way of the Wiccan life and those who actually live it, don't get the two confused because there is a big difference. If you have chosen to become Wiccan it is not an overnight change in your life but something that will take time to develope over a period of time. If your heart is in it 100% and you really want to become a true Wiccan then I wish you all the best, its the only way of life for me!
Thirteen Goals Of A Witch
1. Know yourself. 2. Know your Craft. 3. Learn. 4. Apply knowledge with wisdom. 5. Achieve balance. 6. Keep your words in good order. 7. Keep your thoughts in good order. 8. Celebrate life. 9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth. 10. Breathe and eat correctly. 11. Exercise the body. 12. Meditate. 13. Honor the Goddess and God.
We Wiccans have come along away through the years, there are more and more people who have become involved in the craft. The Wiccan way of life is enjoying, interesting, fulfilling, but definately not for everyone, you have to put your whole heart into it and just saying one is Wiccan and actually living it is two different things. I have had people come to me saying they also are Wiccan, and when I asked some questions they didnt even know the anwers, so that lead me to believe they weren't really Wiccan at all.
There are those individuals that are interested in the way of the Wiccan life and those who actually live it, don't get the two confused because there is a big difference. If you have chosen to become Wiccan it is not an overnight change in your life but something that will take time to develope over a period of time. If your heart is in it 100% and you really want to become a true Wiccan then I wish you all the best, its the only way of life for me!
Thirteen Goals Of A Witch
1. Know yourself. 2. Know your Craft. 3. Learn. 4. Apply knowledge with wisdom. 5. Achieve balance. 6. Keep your words in good order. 7. Keep your thoughts in good order. 8. Celebrate life. 9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth. 10. Breathe and eat correctly. 11. Exercise the body. 12. Meditate. 13. Honor the Goddess and God.
~ Blessed Be, Cat
Wiccans are affraid of men also, and they're not allowed to have relationships.
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