Thursday, January 22, 2009

News You Can Use # 1 Digital Converter Boxes

I figured I would start a "News You Can Use" post, this is my first one. It's mainly about shit you already know and heard from TV, news papers or the Internet, but just in case your life is limited to blogs then I guess I can get my point accross. This is the first of many that will follow. Today's "news you can use" is about. . .
Digital Converter Boxes!
As you may already know, you will need a digital converter box to watch TV after February 17, 2009. Yep, if you don't have cable or satellite you wont be able to watch TV! The deficit reduction act of 2005 requires all full powered TV stations to turn off their analog channels. So if you want to keep watching TV and you don't have this digital box thingy, then sorry for you. I would imagine that most people have either satellite or cable, probably the main people effected by this is the elderly and the poor.
The elderly because they stick to watching only local channels and an old dog is hard to teach a new trick. This transition effects the poor, well because they are just that, they cant afford cable or satellite. The other people that will be effected by this change are in another category of themselves. You can sign up for coupons for the digital box thing or read more about it by clicking this LINK. I am not the Government so if your not approved for a box don't come back to haunt me, it's up to them if you qualify, I am merely providing you with a link to their site.
Where there you have it folks, some news you can use.


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