Monday, January 28, 2008

Favorite Quotes

Here are a few of my favorite quotes, do you have a favorite that you would like to share? These are all time hits with me.

"No man is an Island, entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the Continent,
a part of the main." ~John Donne

"I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.” ~Harry Emerson Fosdick

"If you can dream it, you can do it" ~Walt Disney

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Home And Bored?

On a cold Sunday evening I am here at home and bored? My mother used to tell me there is no such thing as boredom, there is always something one can do to fill the time. My mother was right, there is always something that I could be doing instead of sitting here with the TV turned on and not watching it, and writing a post in my blog.

Hey I am doing something at least, but is there more that I should do? What else can I do to not be bored? Damn countless shit I guess like vising friends, go out to the movies, make up some appetizers and invite some friends over for drinks.

Most stores are closed now so shopping is out the question. I haven't taken a trip in awhile so maybe I should do that, nah don't feel like traveling. One thing I hate about traveling is that I get so sick on trips, I get the shits, for weeks, lol.

I wanted to do a blog on travels (if I had any real travels that is) but traveling just isn't my thing. I do go to London about twice a year to visit my sis but it takes me the first two weeks of being sick and then when I'm feeling ok its time to go home again, defeats the whole purpose unless I stay for months. Staying for long periods with my sis isn't good, I cant stand being with her for long because she gets on my nerves, lol but I love her anyways.

I could stay in a hotel but then my sis would feel bad so I stay with her and permit her to get on my nerves awhile. Hey we cant all have our cake and eat it too, or can we? Guess I will flip through the channels and see whats on TV, maybe actually watch it.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cold Winter Days & Nights

Brrrrr... Cold winter days and nights here in Ohio, I crank up the heater and walk around my condo in fuzzy jammies instead of my nude flesh, lol. I do love looking at the snow and smelling that cool crisp breeze when I walk outside, but I also miss the fresh scent of flowers and the hot sun beating down on me in the warm summer months. It will be sooner than I think as the time goes by so fast.

I usually go sledding or ice skating with friends in the winter but this year I went snowboarding and only once, I broke my ass, lol. My first time trying to snowboard and I think its my last, fuck the phrase, try, try again. Maybe if I had a snowboard that was fit for me I would of been better at it, instead I used my gay friend Javier's board and the feet things just didn't fit me right.

My friend Javier has these big ass feet and my feet are a mere size 5, for some reason when I put my feet into the stirrups on the snowboard they kept slipping out. I do blame it somewhat on the ice and snow that was packed on the bottom of my boots, who knows. Well anyways I learned my lesson not to try that again, I hurt my neck really bad and was in pain for a very long time afterwards.

I think I will stick to what I know, ice skating and sledding, thinking about it is making me want to go have some winter fun. Ever since 2008 started a few weeks ago I feel really different about myself, I feel older, and I have many different thoughts that I never had before. Strange feelings come over me as if I am going to go through a change in routine of my daily life.

I have met some interesting new acquaintances this past xmas through my cousin. These new friends of mine are a lot older than me and have a very strong influence on me regarding my life and how I should proceed in my path to be a more happier, and calm person. I don't dwell so much now on my past as I did in recent years and find myself looking for a better way to get through my moments of depression instead of drowning my thoughts in meds. Sometimes its so hard to deal with the fact that both my parents are gone and I cant go running to them when I have a problem.

OK I got off track like always when writing but this is my time to vent and I love it, lol. Sometimes I feel like writing a book and putting down all my thoughts and life events of past and present, I have been told before that this is a good way of releasing my inner emotions. My professors in college used to tell me I would be a great journalist, I was also told this by my teachers in middle school and high school.

Well I guess they were right, after all this blog is my online journal, lol.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Marie Noe

I watched a very disturbing program last night on television, it was about this lady (Marie Noe) who killed 8 of her 10 children by suffocating them, 7 girls and 3 boys. The other two children born to her died of natural causes, one was still born and the other died shortly after birth in the hospital of blood abnormalities. All of these infants deaths were from 1949 - 1968, the doctors could find no explanation for the deaths, they said it was SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Marie stated that the infants just died in their sleep while she was home alone with them, 30 years later in 1999 the 70 year old Marie confessd to murdering 8 of her children. Marie didnt serve any jail sentence, instead she was placed on probation for 20 years and served 5 years house arrest, and receive counceling. WTF? This is her punishment for taking the lives of these precious little babies?

Prosecutors agreed that Marie Noe and society would benefit more from her getting counceling, how the hell would this benifit society? I say throw the bitch in jail or suffocate her like she did her babies! We are supposed to take pity on the old bitch cause she had mental problems? Who doesnt?

Our justice system is just all screwed up if you ask me, many people in this world try so hard to have children and many times are unable to conceive. I for one only have a 30% chance of ever having a baby and what I wouldnt give to be able to give birth to a healthy beautiful child. Here is this woman taking the precious lives of her eight healthy infants, God only knows what these babies went through while in the care of this murderer.

While Marie confessed to killing her babies, she said "dont tell my husband", her husband was so damn nieve that he stated " I dont beleive she would do this". Come on, living with someone for so many years and not noticing that something upstairs isnt right, and then your children die one right after the other? He didnt suspect anything was wrong here?

Marie's husband wasnt charged in the killings, I think he should of known something and could of tried to stop it somehow. There was a witness at one time watching as Marie was giving a bottle to one her babies, she stated "drink this or I will kill you". What mother would say something like that to their innocent little baby? It was obvious she was not a loving mother.

Below is a link the book about Marie Noe called "Cradle of Death" if you want to read the whole story you can purchase this book from amazon, just click the link.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Breakfast Smoothie

I came up with my own version of a breakfast smoothie, this is my own creation so if anyone seen a recipe like mine somewhere then that's purely by coincidence. I never eat breakfast so I start many of my days runny around shopping and doing all sorts of things and then find myself feeling weak and sometimes dizzy from not eating. Of course I don't run around and shop every day but you get the point.

This little after I wake up pick me up gives me the nutrition I need to start my day as well as being very healthy and tastes great! Here is my recipe as follows:

Cat's Breakfast Smoothie
  • 1 banana (ripened and cut in chunks)
  • 1 cup of strawberries (take the stems off and cut them in half)
  • 1/2 cup fat free thick and creamy vanilla yogurt ( I use yoplait)
  • 8 Ounces of Silk soy milk
Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth, pour into a glass and enjoy! If you feel that its a little too tart for your taste you can add some honey while blending, I like it tart so I don't add honey to mine. Another variation you also add ice to the blender with all the ingredients.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New York Giants vs Dallas Cowboys!

Wow! Great game today as the New York Giants beat the Dallas Cowboys! At first I thought Dallas was going to win but the NYG came through, the score ended 21 to 17, for the second year Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys messes up at the end to lose the game. Now the NYG will play against Green Bay Packers. I have included a link to a video clip of todays game, enjoy!

Friday, January 04, 2008

2008 Begins!

2008 has begun, and I wonder what will come this year. Will there come peace and harmony among all? Will killings and wars end? Is there really a God in heaven and Devil in Hell or are we looking up to a higher power for nothing?

There is something that makes the universe go on an on and I don't think that mankind are the only ones who make things happen. Something somewhere is in total control of everything, why are there wars, killing, hatred? Where is peace and harmony?

We don't live in a perfect world and oh imagine if we did! Would it be fun or sorrowful? How would we go about our daily lives not hearing of bad things happening and that people never died.

Over crowding, but never any sickness or pain, our loved ones stayed walking upon this earth as we do now and not as spirits among us, and there was never any cause for arguments or fights. Could this actually happen? It seems to impossible to me and probably is, but some how I feel as if this higher one whom ever it may be has the power to change any and all things, so why doesn't it change then if there is so much power?

I'm sitting here so tranquil on my sofa sipping a cup of hot chocolate with my comfy Ohio State blanket wrapped around me, my laptop on my lap, and while I am gazing out the the big picture window at the snow I feel the calmness of the snowy night coming over me. Its so cold outside but yet it looks so peaceful, so quite, I wish the whole world could all be quiet and feel so peaceful like that, if only just for a short moment, maybe then would things improve in our daily lives and how we face each and every day.