Marie Noe
I watched a very disturbing program last night on television, it was about this lady (Marie Noe) who killed 8 of her 10 children by suffocating them, 7 girls and 3 boys. The other two children born to her died of natural causes, one was still born and the other died shortly after birth in the hospital of blood abnormalities. All of these infants deaths were from 1949 - 1968, the doctors could find no explanation for the deaths, they said it was SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
Marie stated that the infants just died in their sleep while she was home alone with them, 30 years later in 1999 the 70 year old Marie confessd to murdering 8 of her children. Marie didnt serve any jail sentence, instead she was placed on probation for 20 years and served 5 years house arrest, and receive counceling. WTF? This is her punishment for taking the lives of these precious little babies?
Prosecutors agreed that Marie Noe and society would benefit more from her getting counceling, how the hell would this benifit society? I say throw the bitch in jail or suffocate her like she did her babies! We are supposed to take pity on the old bitch cause she had mental problems? Who doesnt?
Our justice system is just all screwed up if you ask me, many people in this world try so hard to have children and many times are unable to conceive. I for one only have a 30% chance of ever having a baby and what I wouldnt give to be able to give birth to a healthy beautiful child. Here is this woman taking the precious lives of her eight healthy infants, God only knows what these babies went through while in the care of this murderer.
While Marie confessed to killing her babies, she said "dont tell my husband", her husband was so damn nieve that he stated " I dont beleive she would do this". Come on, living with someone for so many years and not noticing that something upstairs isnt right, and then your children die one right after the other? He didnt suspect anything was wrong here?
Marie's husband wasnt charged in the killings, I think he should of known something and could of tried to stop it somehow. There was a witness at one time watching as Marie was giving a bottle to one her babies, she stated "drink this or I will kill you". What mother would say something like that to their innocent little baby? It was obvious she was not a loving mother.
Below is a link the book about Marie Noe called "Cradle of Death" if you want to read the whole story you can purchase this book from amazon, just click the link.
Marie stated that the infants just died in their sleep while she was home alone with them, 30 years later in 1999 the 70 year old Marie confessd to murdering 8 of her children. Marie didnt serve any jail sentence, instead she was placed on probation for 20 years and served 5 years house arrest, and receive counceling. WTF? This is her punishment for taking the lives of these precious little babies?
Prosecutors agreed that Marie Noe and society would benefit more from her getting counceling, how the hell would this benifit society? I say throw the bitch in jail or suffocate her like she did her babies! We are supposed to take pity on the old bitch cause she had mental problems? Who doesnt?
Our justice system is just all screwed up if you ask me, many people in this world try so hard to have children and many times are unable to conceive. I for one only have a 30% chance of ever having a baby and what I wouldnt give to be able to give birth to a healthy beautiful child. Here is this woman taking the precious lives of her eight healthy infants, God only knows what these babies went through while in the care of this murderer.
While Marie confessed to killing her babies, she said "dont tell my husband", her husband was so damn nieve that he stated " I dont beleive she would do this". Come on, living with someone for so many years and not noticing that something upstairs isnt right, and then your children die one right after the other? He didnt suspect anything was wrong here?
Marie's husband wasnt charged in the killings, I think he should of known something and could of tried to stop it somehow. There was a witness at one time watching as Marie was giving a bottle to one her babies, she stated "drink this or I will kill you". What mother would say something like that to their innocent little baby? It was obvious she was not a loving mother.
Below is a link the book about Marie Noe called "Cradle of Death" if you want to read the whole story you can purchase this book from amazon, just click the link.
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Prosecutors agreed that Marie Noe and society would benefit more from her getting counceling, how the hell would this benifit society? I say throw the bitch in jail or suffocate her like she did her babies! We are supposed to take pity on the old bitch cause she had mental problems? Who doesnt?
Do you really not see how this would benefit society?
This isn't "mental problems" like "omg my life sux and i'm going to slash my wrists!!!" These are potentially serious mental problems that can and will affect people in the future -- people who will quite possibly kill their own children in ways similar to Marie Noe's actions.
Are we really willing to say that we'd rather throw her in jail than ensure that children are saved because of what we can learn about Noe's condition? She's not going to kill anyone else. She's 80 years old and she killed only her kids, of which she can't have anymore. The world gains nothing by throwing her in jail and much more by trying to determine the signs of her disorder(s).
Oh so killing her own children is ok as long as she didnt kill other peoples infants? She killed them it's done and over with so get on with life who cares, she is old now? She is making it ok for other women to do the same shit and get away with murder, she did so why cant they? Give the bitch the electric chair, or better yet suffocate her, let her feel what those babies felt!
I also saw the show and I am so deeply disturbed by what this woman did to her own flesh and blood. Then when I heard she wasn't gonna do any jail time, I almost put my fist through the TV. I say give her the death sentence. Let her get so close to death and bring her back 8 times just so she can feel what those poor innocent babies went through. I lost a baby a year before he was born and not by my choice, and it angers me so much when women do any kind of harm to their kids. I wish I could be the judge, jury and the one pushing the button. I would never lay a finger on my kids much less kill 8 of them. She will rott in hell one way or another, I have to believe that for my own sanity.
I am so sorry to hear you had lost a baby, I cannot imagine the pain you went through, and still are. I have only a 30% chance of ever having a baby and I would love to have children some day. I totally agree with you that this women should be put through hell and back 8 times for what she did to those precious innocent babies.
I also saw this on television... I fell asleep before finding out that this psycho woman killed 8 of her 10 children. I got on the internet as soon as I could to find out the ending... and I couldnt believe what I found out. I just had my son 4 months ago, and I could not ever imagine killing him, or for that matter ever hurting him in any way. I took him to get shots and saw the horror on his face, and it broke my heart. You have to be a cold heartless person to do something like kill your own children, and I dont understand why there is nothing being done to this woman! It infuriates me that people call this a sickness, or there is something wrong with her mentally. Well of course there is something wrong with her!!! SHE KILLED HER OWN CHILDREN, and not just one, BUT EIGHT! I cant believe that our justice system can let a woman who murdered 8 defenseless little children off scott free! She obviously has no remorse, which I completely dont understand. But I think something must be done about this. The message we are sending to people (especially women), is that it is okay to kill your own child, I mean you brought em in, you can take em out! I think NOT! I wish people understood what others will see from this story, because some woman out there that might be struggling with being a new mother, maybe having some mental issues, or possibly PPD(post partum depression)might think that this is the answer... and we should be sending the message that this is NOT OKAY! I just hope that someone can see that this woman has too many problems to think about, and that what she did is not the answer. I pray that something like this will never happen again, because it is an injustice to the beautiful children that can be born out there.
I saw this story today on MSNBC. Just like Andrea Yates, this child-killer gets away with murder. What utter b.s. - if she killed animals, she'd be facing jailtime, but it's okay for her to kill her children? And to put the blame on post-partum depression so we can feel sorry for her (and Yates) is so insulting. Those poor kids never had a chance at life. These women should be locked up no matter what their age is.
Pretty much all the honest truth telling in the world is done by children.
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