Whats Wrong With Me?
Have you ever craved doing something that you ordinarily never do? These past few days when I see people smoking cigarettes it has made me want to smoke one so bad, and I don't even smoke (cigarettes that is, lol). I tried smoking as a teenager to be cool together with friends and it made me feel sick, I never really could stand the taste, smell of it.
What all started this was when I was watching 'Sex And The City' one night, again lol. I watched most of the episodes on HBO but I missed some so I purchased all the seasons on DVDs. Of course I could watch it on TBS but parts are cut out.
Anyway whenever I would see Carrie( Sex And The City) lighting up a cigarette I would start to crave one, weird huh? Now when I see anyone smoking it makes me want one too, and yuk I hate how peoples breath smells that smoke, its so nasty! I don't want to be a smoker and probably never will but I need to deal with this craving, would buying a pack and just smoking one stop my craving or would it become habit forming?
For any of my readers out there, have you ever had such a craving? Not just cigarettes but anything else? Let me know I'm interested to know I'm not the only weird girl out there, lol.
What all started this was when I was watching 'Sex And The City' one night, again lol. I watched most of the episodes on HBO but I missed some so I purchased all the seasons on DVDs. Of course I could watch it on TBS but parts are cut out.
Anyway whenever I would see Carrie( Sex And The City) lighting up a cigarette I would start to crave one, weird huh? Now when I see anyone smoking it makes me want one too, and yuk I hate how peoples breath smells that smoke, its so nasty! I don't want to be a smoker and probably never will but I need to deal with this craving, would buying a pack and just smoking one stop my craving or would it become habit forming?
For any of my readers out there, have you ever had such a craving? Not just cigarettes but anything else? Let me know I'm interested to know I'm not the only weird girl out there, lol.

Carrie from 'Sex And The City' (Sarah Jessica Parker)
I tried it once; led to a 2month long habit that I almost hated myself for. Kicking it wasnt easy and I find myself still craving it.
I wish I never had tried that first stick...so, I guess what I'm saying is; next time you get a craving, just be strong and yell out "Get thee behind me, Satan!!!"
Of course, you should be prepared for the weird looks that follow. :P
I crave stuff all the time that I see people doing/eating on television. I guess I'm weak that way.
Mo Maalim,
that is what I am afraid of, I don't want to get hooked. I will certainly take your advice lol, I know how bad habits are to break and I certainly do not need this one.
at least we aren't being weak alone, lol
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