Friday, December 07, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Still Here My Friends
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
So You Think You Got Issues? Read Mine :(
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Where Am I?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tons Of Fish!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sinequan Again
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Going Herbal? Maybe
Cup number two is seeping I really think I need it, hope I'm not up all night peeing, because that would defeat the purpose. I don't really like the taste especially because I didn't put any sugar in it, that would keep me hyper. Maybe I could get used to the taste eventually. If it works it's a keeper! I read a lot online about Niacinamide (not Niacin) is used for anxiety, panic attacks and depression so that right there would take care of the rest of my issues.
I am going to try this Niacinamide and I hope it works, I read so many different forums, websites and such that it works just like benzos, I pray it helps me so I can go off all these meds. I really want to live a med free life with only natural herbs and vitamins in my system. I want to feel good for the first time in my life and this could be the change I need, who knows. I wont know if it really works until I try it.
There is supposed to be no harm in taking this Niacinamide long term and no side effects as with the meds I am taking now, I will have to find that out myself. From what I read it is like taking a low dose Valium, but I will see if that's true or not. I will definitely be posting on how its working, or not working for me. Just finished my second cup of Chamomile tea, I feel calm, but it's too early to go to bed, lol.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Evian Roller Babies US
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Michael Jackson
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson "The King Of Pop"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Now anything that involves camping, picnics, horseback riding, or any type of sport that doesn't involve water I am fine with. Did I mention I am deathly afraid of water? Deep water, I cannot swim. When I was a child I was pushed into the deep end of a pool by another child much older than me, I almost drowned, unfortunately a family friend jumped in and saved me. I have tried to overcome my fear of water, but so far I haven't. Anyways you may feel that without roller coasters and swimming I may lead a boring Summer, but actually I have lots of fun.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunny Days Here In Ohio
Saturday, March 07, 2009
My House May Be Haunted
If there were a murder or something here before I purchased my home it would of been clasified as "stigmatized". For those of you who do not know what "stigmatized" means let me elaborate...This term is used by real estates to describe possible detrimental features of a property or home, all the result of unfortunate occurrences. These can include murder, suicide or even AIDS, in addition to believing that the house or property may be haunted. I purchased my home a few months back because it was in a decent neighborhood and the price was dirt cheap.
The person that I purchsed this house from is kind of a friend, he never mentioned anything regarding stange happenings in the house. I guess that is why it wasnt clasified as stigmatized, even though I purchased it through him not a real estate. If he would of had a real estate agent sell it then he could of made a lot of money on it, that is if it was stigmatized confirmed. People tend to pay a lot of money for homes that are haunted. Just goes to show how vulnerable we are. I am thinking about calling my friend and asking some questions to see if there were occurances in the past.
My house needs work but I wanted to take on this project and see what I could accomplish. I am always getting myself into things and then seem to regret it, lol. I could just sell it, but I have already started working on things like painting and have hired a company to redo a lot of stuff, I just want to see what it looks like finished. As I mentioned above, my house has the posibilty of being haunted. There are a few things that point to this fact:
1. One of my friends stated when she was scolding her daughter for throwing candy wrappers on my living room floor the tree plant that I have in my living room started to shake as if someone grabbed and shook it. There were two other people in the room with her and said they seen it as well. I wasn't in the living room at the time so I didn't see this happen.
2. My friend Lisandra told me when she took a shower upstairs at my house she heard someone come into the bathroom and walk around. She jumped out of the shower and opened the door and there was no one there. She didnt lock the bathroom door because there were only a few friends there and we are all girls. Lisandra stated this happened more than one occasion when she spent the night.
3. My home is small but has four bedrooms. I sometimes have friends stay over. One night my friend Sam stated she was sleeping and someone knocked on the bedroom door and said "Sam". She woke up because the knock on the door was loud. She said she came to my room because she thought it was me, but I was asleep, we were the only ones there.
4. Another time when Sam spent the night she said someone crawled in bed with her, she stated the mattress went down on one side as when someone gets into bed, she jumped up and no one was there.
5. Two of my friends were in the upstairs bathroom at different times on different days. They stated when they came out of the bathroom something white past by them really fast down the hallway. I know my friends wouldnt make up these things because I can tell when they are lying.
6. Sometimes when I lay in bed at night I can hear a knocking sound like a washing machine running thats unbalanced I thought it could be the furnace but it never does it in the day time. It sounds like it is coming from another bedroom, the next time I hear it I will check the other rooms and then the basement.
7. Once when I was laying on my sofa in the living room I thought I heard chanting, as in a ritual, I could tell it was men and women voices. I am a third degree wicca high priestess and I have been to many rituals and this was simular to those chants, but I could not make out the words. Maybe its not my house being haunted, maybe its me? Could I be schizophrenic? Am I hearing things that aren't there?
8. I had all new windows installed in this house. Off my computer room downstairs is a bathroom, well one day I was sitting at my desk typing on my computer (not the latop) and the window in the bathroom broke out of nowhere, but get this... it was the window on the inside that broke, not the outside. All my windows are like double, one inside and one outside. Its weird why it busted like that, and it was new! I had to have the guys come back and replace it, they think I did it, not so!
Ok, I can maybe clasify myself as crazy, but what about the things my friends have heard and seen? I have had Psychic abilities since I was a child, beleive it or not, its true, and sometimes I feel something out of the normal in my home as a cold draft out of nowhere and it feels as if someone is there. This house is old so that could be the reason for drafts, and the feeling of that someone is here doesn't scare me, but it botheres me. I am going to light some candles tonight and say some chants to see if it clears up, if not then I will call a few wiccan friends for a seance and see what happens. If this doesnt help then I have no ther choice but to call in the ghost busters, lol.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I took this pic in Nov, 2008 the first big snow of the season.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
News You Can Use # 1 Digital Converter Boxes
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Snowy Days
I figure the bigger the better, I been stuck in the snow before but that's another story! On snowy days I don't normally stay indoors but I love to be with friends sometimes sipping hot chocolate and watching movies when its really cold. As old as I am I still love having snow ball fights and making snowmen, I don't believe I will ever grow out of that, lol. I guess feeling young and doing things we all love helps us to overcome the fact that we are getting older not younger. Some health issues that I have recently been diagnosed with makes me think back to when I was a child and sometimes wish I still was, they aren't life threatening heath issues but enough to make me think of what I should cherish and not take advantage of.
OK enough of the feel sorry for me crap, I am not feeling life threatening to myself tonight, so let me be happy. The peace and tranquil snow brightening up this dark night as I sit on my sofa gazing out the big picture window in my livingroom. The snugly fuzz from my Ohio State blankie makes me feel warm and cozy, my laptop and a cup of hot chocolate keep me focused for the time being. Oh wait! Its not the cold ass snow outside, or the fucking blanket, Its not even the hot chocolate that just burned my lip! Forget the laptop, I feel this way cuz my freaking meds are kicking in!
Friday, January 09, 2009
The End Will Come
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Feng Shui
There are many things I must do and place in my home to bring in the happiness that I seek. I do believe that this is going to be fun, even though I dont really have a clue what I am doing right now I will continue to research and find out what all is needed in order for me to be able to understand. Many people have this in thier homes and seem to have peace and tranquility with it, I would like to also experience this as well.
If you have Feng Shui in your home and would like to share some ideas with me I would love to hear from you.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Sex And The City Movie
Parts that made me cry...
1. When Carrie was trying on the wedding dresses, yes it made me teary eyed.
2. When Carry dropped the phone on the floor after John said he couldn't do it, and she was standing there in her wedding dress.
3. When Carrie was in Mexico and didn't want to get out of bed, all she did was cry, I cried right along with her, lol.
4. On New Years Eve when Steve was standing at the door trying to get back with Miranda.
5. Charlotte announced to Carrie she was pregnant.
6. When Carrie went to the apartment to get her shoes before the new owners showed up, and when she walked in John was standing there in the walk in closet, he turned around and looked at her with her shoes in his hands, Carrie ran to him and hugged and kissed him.
7. When Carrie and John finally got married at the courthouse and her friends were there when John opened the doors.
Parts that made me laugh...
1. Samantha's horny little dog
2. When Charlotte was screaming at John for not showing up for his wedding and she was trying to walk fast in her black dress.
3. When Samantha was lying on the table naked covered in sushi waiting for Smith to get home.
4. When Anthony and Stanford kissed on New Years Eve.
5. When Charlotte shit her pants in Mexico and Carrie finally laughed.
6. When Samantha made fun of Miranda's bushy pussy, lol.
I really enjoyed the whole movie and thought it was perfect the way they made it. Does anyone else agree with me? Or do you think they should of done things differently? What were your favorite parts and did you cry the way I did? If your a fan like me leave a comment!
Monday, June 09, 2008
A Day At The Lake

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Why Do I Feel So Depressed?
Sometimes I sit and cry for nothing, drowning my thoughts in alcohol helps at times. My meds help at other times. I don't feel lonely and living alone doesn't bother me, so why this depression all the time?
Been to therapists but I remain the same. I don't feel suicidal and feel I have a lot more to gain in life, so whats wrong with me? I don't think I will ever get over my parents passing, I just push those thoughts away when they creep up.
I have a love/hate relationship with my sister, I don't think much at all about her. In my opinion I have everything I need so why do I cry a lot and feel down? Therapist couldn't even give me an answer for that one.
Maybe if I would be a little bit more honest with him maybe he could find a solution for me. Nah, I doubt it. I think that Therapists are in it just for the money, who knows.
Some people suggest that I go to church, no way I don't want to end up in one of those Polygamist groups, with my luck that's what would happen. I guess I will have to deal with my own recovery or will I? So many questions and no answers.
Guess I will pour myself another brandy on the rocks. Yeah when all this kicks in I will feel much better I am sure.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bad Days
I put my toothbrush and toothpaste back into the medicine cabinet and when I shut the door my thumb got in the way and I broke off a nail and along with it a piece of skin, ouch! I am one that cannot stand pain at all and it made me feel so sick to my stomach. I am now trying to type this post with a big ass bandage wrapped around my thumb and this happened like 5 hours ago, lol.
While making coffee the damn bandage kept getting in the way but I didn't want to take it off because it felt better with it on (a mind thing). After the coffee was ready I sat at my desk to check my emails and when I picked up my cup it tilted sideways and my coffee spilt all over my keyboard, I am now using my laptop. I was so pissed I just left it like that, I will clean it later.
All this started at 9am this morning so I wonder what the rest of the day has in store for me, I don't even want to think about it. I feel like crawling back into bed and waking up again, damn my thumb is throbbing! :(
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The Perfect Man
In the real world we live in no man can be perfect, I have known some that were pretty close to it but then they failed to prove it to me. Are my expectations in a relationship high? Yes of course because one thing is true, if you settle for less than what you want you will get it every time.
I refuse to settle for less than what I want. If my search for that nearly perfect man doesn't bring any results then I will just have to stay single my whole life. I know I am far from being perfect and my issues are above and beyond what normal people may consider tolerable, but if there is a man out there somewhere that can prove to me he is the one then he will surely win my heart.
My standards are high, here are the qualities the perfect man must have...
Sense of humor
Serious when he is suppose to be
Open and close doors for me
Understands my emotions and be sympathetic
Shut his mouth and don't argue
When I tell him to do something he does it right away without questions
When he knows I'm not feeling well he will take care of me
He will not talk bad about me to anyone, not even to himself
He will love me unconditionally, regardless of anything I say or do
When I am PMSing he will know what not to say and what not to do
He will give me flowers often, just because
He will bring me chocolates, as he knows I am a chocoholic
He wont expect me to cook
He wont make me do what I don't want
He wont be abusive
He will pleasure me when I want and how I want
Well I guess that's my list for the perfect man, anyone reading this want to add anything? Or have I covered it all? Lol
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Stock Market
Have you ever said 'damn I wish I owned that company', well guess what? You can actually own a share in that company, how? First you need to get a broker, when you find one you like then you tell him that you want to buy a share in the company (the one you have your eye on). You tell the broker how much money you have to use and he will tell you how much each share is, he will also tell you how much he will charge you for his service and the remainder will be used to buy shares.
Here is an example:
You have $350
Broker fee $50
Each share is $20
You can buy 15 shares into that company
You give the broker your money and he transfers ownership to you, he then will send a message to one of his employees on the floor over at the Stock Exchange, he tells him to buy the stocks for you. The floor broker will buy the stocks, report it onto one of the many computers at the Stock Exchange and then track it back to the brokerage house. Your broker will keep a record of the stock you own instead of sending you a paper certificate.
If you decide you want to sell your stock your broker will sell it, deduct his commission and give you the rest of the money. Don't worry about your broker running off with your money, the government has put many organizations and commissions to keep him honest. One major organization is SEC (Securities Exchange Commission)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Spring Trends!
I was looking through the new Michael Kors catalog and fell in love with the new Spring designs. I don't always keep up with trends but this year the fashions are really drawing my attention. My wardrobe basically consists of black but there will be some new colors added very soon.
Spring, flowers, cute little dresses with coordinating sandals would make any girl smile! The weather here in Ohio is still chilly but I'm looking beyond that and await the warmer days to come. I do love winter but its time to put the snow and cold away and bring out the garden, planting and Capris!

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Sweets!
Not sure about the reason for candy on Easter but all I know is its a child's delight! My parents used to hide my Easter basket when I was a child and I would go running through the house looking for it on Easter morning. I remember one time I started crying because I couldn't find it and thought the Easter bunny had forgot about me, lol.
My basket was hidden in the oven, what a strange place to put it, glad no one turned the oven on prior to me finding it. I still feel like a kid at heart, I love coloring hard boiled eggs and then decorating them with stickers and such. My friends children are such a blessing to my life, if I wont be able to have any children of my own (only got a 30% to have kids) at least I can spoil theirs, lol.
I'm going shopping today with two of my friends to pick out Easter dresses for their little girls Yanely 3 and Brianna 8 months(aka Poca Dolli). I have to remember to purchase batteries for my camera so I can take some pix of the festivities tomorrow, I may create a post on the events of Easter. Below is a link to some beautiful bouquets that are awesome for season events, check it out!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Traditional Easter Dinner
With my friends I feel more comfortable and free, with the cousins its like tense, uneasy feelings. I don't' like the feeling that I am being judged and put on the spot, being questioned about how I run my life and why is this and why is that. Holidays should be enjoyed not dreaded, of course because I am Introverted, I don't stay long at any given function.
Getting back to the purpose of this post, I have been appointed semi cook by my friends to make Easter dinner, ugh! I decided to cook the meal here at my home and then transport it to their house, this way I can cook in peace without them asking what I am doing and how I'm doing it. My friends mean well as they said they will help, but I don't need it, they get in the way of things, lol.
I know there is going to be tons of food Easter Sunday, they appoint me to cook but they will also be making rice and other Latin foods like always. My friends consist of Puerto Rican, Mexican and a few gorgeous Cuban guys I recently met at one of my friends house, mmmmm! I know I'm going to be nervous that day because those Cuban guys are going to be there, men make me nervous (the single ones that is, lol).
The dinner I am going to prepare will consist of the following: (If you would like to have the recipes for any of these delicious foods on my menu, just ask me and I will give it to you, these are my own variations, so they may differ from other recipes you may have seen.)
Glazed Ham
Mashed Potatoes
Honeyed Carrots
Baby Asparagus
Buttermilk Biscuits
And that's it! My friends will also be preparing other foods, its well that they do because from past experiences there will be a lot of people at their house this coming Easter Sunday. To be honest I was thinking of calling a caterer to make this dinner, but I think that would spoil the whole tradition idea, lol.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Whats Wrong With Me?
What all started this was when I was watching 'Sex And The City' one night, again lol. I watched most of the episodes on HBO but I missed some so I purchased all the seasons on DVDs. Of course I could watch it on TBS but parts are cut out.
Anyway whenever I would see Carrie( Sex And The City) lighting up a cigarette I would start to crave one, weird huh? Now when I see anyone smoking it makes me want one too, and yuk I hate how peoples breath smells that smoke, its so nasty! I don't want to be a smoker and probably never will but I need to deal with this craving, would buying a pack and just smoking one stop my craving or would it become habit forming?
For any of my readers out there, have you ever had such a craving? Not just cigarettes but anything else? Let me know I'm interested to know I'm not the only weird girl out there, lol.

Carrie from 'Sex And The City' (Sarah Jessica Parker)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Unique Or Interesting Blogs
If you have a blog or know of one that you think is interesting just post a link to it in a comment to this post and I will check it out. If your blog catches my true attention I will link to it, and if you would like you can also link to mine as well, if you find it interesting enough, lol. My blog isnt all that but I do have many readers and visitors, some are regulars others are just passing through.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Searching For My Inner Strength
Not only to have my heart broken is enough, but to be challenged to prove something that is personal which I have every right not to prove at all. People believe what they want and for me to have to prove it just for their satisfaction is not something I am willing to do. I am who I am and what I am, if people choose to believe something totally off the beaten path, then that's their problem not mine.
Guessing and gossiping together to try and figure out something that isn't is just another reason why there are so many non believers of anything in this world. When does faith come? Not many have it these days, if you cant except what is told to you then you need to just forget it because no amount of explaining will change what you believe.
All I need right now is my inner strength and a regathering of my heart, emotions and feelings. Not as easy at it seems but a heart can be mended and emotions and feelings will once again become strong. What I am searching for is already inside of me, all I need to do is recover it.
I know that some of you have been through a time when you seemed like you needed to prove yourself to be right, my advice to you is "don't". You don't have to prove anything to anyone if you don't want to. Let those unbelievers go about guessing and gossiping all they want, what you know inside you to be true is all that matters. No one can bring you happiness, this you create on your own, this I know to be true through my experience.
I took this photo last year, this is the strength I need right now to battle my inner feelings.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Peace And Harmony
There is nothing like having a life of peace and harmony, no arguments, no fights, no noise to distract you. Some people find it hard to find while there are few of us that do, I am one that can actually say I have lots of peace and harmony in my life. It may be hard for some since they may have a loud and obnoxious family, they may not have a quiet time that often, maybe only when they are at the office?
There are some who may find tranquility at home while others find it at work, I for one have this at home since I am single and live alone, my office is here at home so any work I do is done here in the quiet atmosphere of my solitude dwelling. I don't think I could handle the everyday stress and noises that some people are so accustomed too, I would go nuts in a world without my quiet times alone which is most of the time for me. Its hard for me to understand how some individuals can go through life with only minimum peace and harmony, they must be pretty tough cookies.
I see many families with tons of people in and out of their homes, not just their own children but other family members and friends here and there. I think to myself "My God" when do they ever have time to just relax and feel the quietness? Maybe that's what they need, maybe they cant stand having peace and harmony, maybe they are satisfied by the only peace they get is when they sleep.
I just don't understand how some people go on without peace, well maybe that's why so many Therapists are making a good living, from those stressful individuals that flock to them for relief. Do they not know that by taking a few minutes out of their day for quiet time could be all that is needed? Go for a drive, or walk through the park, rent a hotel for a night and get some rest, there are many ways one can find their peace and harmony.
Does your family make you lose your sanity? Give them something to do, or send them somewhere, so many different ways one can think of that will bring peace to their home and lives, sometimes we need to be a little creative with what works. When you finally find what works to bring you peace, then go for it!
I think we would all benefit from being able to have a life of tranquility, I know I do. The photo you see above is mine, it took it in June 2007, this is my expression of peace and harmony.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
The Great Depression
People had a really hard time back then and seemed to struggle just to get food on the table for their families. We have so much today to be thankful for and yet we continue to see things in a different way. Instead of being happy that we get to eat, we complain about where we should go to eat, or not knowing what to cook having our refrigerators and cupboards packed full.
Back in hard times people had no choice but to wear hand-me-downs, most of today's children don't even know what that is. I have watched a show on TV called "The Waltons", it gives a good example of the depression, even though its only a show it does point out some things people went through during those times. The show is based in 1930's about a young writer who writes about his life during the depression and how his family struggled through hardships.
When I was a little girl I lived with my Parents and Grandmother on a small farm, being born in 1973 I had fun with just simple things, even though at that time we didn't have much we were all happy. I look back on those days now whenever I'm feeling sad and wished that I could return to that life once again. Sometimes having too much is not a good thing, even if we think it is.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Plan Ahead For Spring Cleaning!

March 20, 2008, first day of Spring. before jumping into spring cleaning lets plan ahead and make a list of what we need to do and how we will do it. Planning ahead helps to ensure we can get our goals accomplished, and the satisfaction we feel when we are finished.
We first need to make a list of what we need to clean, organize, throw out and buy new. Organization in our daily lives helps us feel less stressed and more cheerful, having a clean home to live in helps in more ways than one. Your Spring Cleaning list should be broken down room by room, this will help the cleaning process go smoother.
You may want to start out with the kitchen and work your way through to the dinning room,living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, basements, sun porches, garages. Don't forget to clean around the outside of your home, these areas collect so much clutter through winter. A clean home inside and out makes you feel much better.
Once the inside of your home is cleaned and sanitized you will able to breathe better after eliminating dust,clutter and musky smells that were lingering in our home. Covering up such smells by just spraying the house with air freshener isn't enough. We need to remove things from shelves, corners, walls and so forth.
Don't just vacuum and dust around things, pull them away from their spot and clean under and behind as well. You will notice that there is a big difference between touch ups and actual cleaning. Changing the room around like the bedrooms and the living room creates a whole new feel, makes it like you have a new room.
If your tired of your old furniture and appliances, donate it to charity and buy new. Giving your home an over all new look makes living there more pleasurable. If you have children make sure the play area is cleaned well and sanitized, this helps reduce colds and flu. Throw away old and broken toys that your child no longer uses, a child may get cut and hurt on things scattered on the floor, buy some bins to keep toys oraganized.
There are so many ways to Spring clean your home and when you have a list it will make that dreadful cleaning much easier on you. Remember, make a list, clean, sanitize, organize, throw out, buy new. Happy cleaning!
Ok Enough Snow Already!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Global Warming!
Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs: Replace 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $60 per year.
Fill The Dishwasher: Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Save 100 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year
Use Recycled Paper: Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper
Plant A Tree: Trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breathe. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year
Replace Old Appliances: Inefficient appliances waste energy. Save hundreds of lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year
Buy Organic Food: The chemicals used in modern agriculture pollute the water supply, and require energy to produce
Be A Meat Reducer: The average American diet contributes an extra 1.5 tons of greenhouse gases per year compared with a vegetarian diet. Eliminating meat and dairy intake one day a week can make a big difference.
These were only a few things I listed, you can see more things to help fight Global Warming by clicking HERE
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wiccans Rule!

We Wiccans have come along away through the years, there are more and more people who have become involved in the craft. The Wiccan way of life is enjoying, interesting, fulfilling, but definately not for everyone, you have to put your whole heart into it and just saying one is Wiccan and actually living it is two different things. I have had people come to me saying they also are Wiccan, and when I asked some questions they didnt even know the anwers, so that lead me to believe they weren't really Wiccan at all.
There are those individuals that are interested in the way of the Wiccan life and those who actually live it, don't get the two confused because there is a big difference. If you have chosen to become Wiccan it is not an overnight change in your life but something that will take time to develope over a period of time. If your heart is in it 100% and you really want to become a true Wiccan then I wish you all the best, its the only way of life for me!
Thirteen Goals Of A Witch
1. Know yourself. 2. Know your Craft. 3. Learn. 4. Apply knowledge with wisdom. 5. Achieve balance. 6. Keep your words in good order. 7. Keep your thoughts in good order. 8. Celebrate life. 9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth. 10. Breathe and eat correctly. 11. Exercise the body. 12. Meditate. 13. Honor the Goddess and God.
~ Blessed Be, Cat
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
I Am An Introvert
I had always considered myself antisocial and come to find out I am not antisocial at all but meerly an Introvert! Yes, I have been called eccentric, antisocial, people hater, the list goes on and on. Just becuse I don't like being in large crowds of people or be engaged in every social event doesnt mean I am weird or strange.
An introverted person loves being alone most of the time and doesn't feel lonely. I do not feel lonely when I am alone for long periods of time and it doesn't bother me not to have someone around me constantly. I feel so drained when I am at a party,like the superbowl party I was at recently,I was dying to leave even though I did have fun,it lasted a little too long for me. I cannot be around so much noise and people for long periods, I get the feel of needing and longing to be alone so I can recharge my energies.
I thought that I was crazy for being this way my whole life and blamed it on many things that had happened thoughout my life. It feels good to know I have a name for what it is that I am and happy to know im not nuts for wanting to be alone all the time. My friends tell me to be more social and go out and do this and do that, when I try to do what they suggest I get very emotionaly upset and return back to my life of solitude where I feel relaxed and comfortable.
About 25% of the population are introverts, some famous intoverts are Emily Dickinson, Issac Newton, Peter The Great, Eisenhower, Steven Hawkings, Einstein, Marie Curie, Carl Jung, Queen Elizabeth II, Mozart, Thomas Edison. It's good to know im not the only one with this kind of life. The definition of introverted is: bashful, cautious, close-mouthed, cold, collected, cool, demure, introspective, modest, offish, quiet, reclusive, restrained, secretive, shy, soft-spoken, solitary, standoffish, uncommunicative, withdrawn.
Introverts in general are intelligent at problem solving and have great concentration. Frequently gifted in math, science, music, art and love working alone, this explains alot about me. I have been researching many different sites on the web about introverted individuals and read up on lots of information so I can better understand what it is that I am, lol.
Introverts keep a straight face and don't show emotions, that's me alright, couldnt be more true.
Introvert Characteristics:
Energized by time alone
Keeps to self
Internally aware
Fewer friends
Prefer smaller groups
Not socially inclined
Enjoys solitude
Thinks before speaking
The list above came from this site
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Monday, February 04, 2008
Super Bowl XLII
At half time the score was NE 7 and NYG 3, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers sang a few of my favorite songs on stage as fans cheered them on, Their performace was awesome! When the Giants won, Bill Belichick the coach of the Patriots seemed to be a very sore looser, awww poor baby, too bad. The Patriots had won all the games up until the Super Bowl so they should of been proud even though they didnt win.
The game was played at The University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona and the Lombardi Trophy was awarded to the NYG for their victory! Eli Manning received keys to a black Cadilac Escalade for his two touchdown passes in the 4th quarter, awesome! I can't wait until October when the new season starts, I wonder who will win the Super Bowl next year, The Green Bay Packers I hope!
Friday, February 01, 2008
2008 Leaderboard
Monday, January 28, 2008
Favorite Quotes
Here are a few of my favorite quotes, do you have a favorite that you would like to share? These are all time hits with me.
"No man is an Island, entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the Continent,
a part of the main." ~John Donne
"I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.” ~Harry Emerson Fosdick
"If you can dream it, you can do it" ~Walt Disney
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Home And Bored?
Hey I am doing something at least, but is there more that I should do? What else can I do to not be bored? Damn countless shit I guess like vising friends, go out to the movies, make up some appetizers and invite some friends over for drinks.
Most stores are closed now so shopping is out the question. I haven't taken a trip in awhile so maybe I should do that, nah don't feel like traveling. One thing I hate about traveling is that I get so sick on trips, I get the shits, for weeks, lol.
I wanted to do a blog on travels (if I had any real travels that is) but traveling just isn't my thing. I do go to London about twice a year to visit my sis but it takes me the first two weeks of being sick and then when I'm feeling ok its time to go home again, defeats the whole purpose unless I stay for months. Staying for long periods with my sis isn't good, I cant stand being with her for long because she gets on my nerves, lol but I love her anyways.
I could stay in a hotel but then my sis would feel bad so I stay with her and permit her to get on my nerves awhile. Hey we cant all have our cake and eat it too, or can we? Guess I will flip through the channels and see whats on TV, maybe actually watch it.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cold Winter Days & Nights
I usually go sledding or ice skating with friends in the winter but this year I went snowboarding and only once, I broke my ass, lol. My first time trying to snowboard and I think its my last, fuck the phrase, try, try again. Maybe if I had a snowboard that was fit for me I would of been better at it, instead I used my gay friend Javier's board and the feet things just didn't fit me right.
My friend Javier has these big ass feet and my feet are a mere size 5, for some reason when I put my feet into the stirrups on the snowboard they kept slipping out. I do blame it somewhat on the ice and snow that was packed on the bottom of my boots, who knows. Well anyways I learned my lesson not to try that again, I hurt my neck really bad and was in pain for a very long time afterwards.
I think I will stick to what I know, ice skating and sledding, thinking about it is making me want to go have some winter fun. Ever since 2008 started a few weeks ago I feel really different about myself, I feel older, and I have many different thoughts that I never had before. Strange feelings come over me as if I am going to go through a change in routine of my daily life.
I have met some interesting new acquaintances this past xmas through my cousin. These new friends of mine are a lot older than me and have a very strong influence on me regarding my life and how I should proceed in my path to be a more happier, and calm person. I don't dwell so much now on my past as I did in recent years and find myself looking for a better way to get through my moments of depression instead of drowning my thoughts in meds. Sometimes its so hard to deal with the fact that both my parents are gone and I cant go running to them when I have a problem.
OK I got off track like always when writing but this is my time to vent and I love it, lol. Sometimes I feel like writing a book and putting down all my thoughts and life events of past and present, I have been told before that this is a good way of releasing my inner emotions. My professors in college used to tell me I would be a great journalist, I was also told this by my teachers in middle school and high school.
Well I guess they were right, after all this blog is my online journal, lol.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Marie Noe
Marie stated that the infants just died in their sleep while she was home alone with them, 30 years later in 1999 the 70 year old Marie confessd to murdering 8 of her children. Marie didnt serve any jail sentence, instead she was placed on probation for 20 years and served 5 years house arrest, and receive counceling. WTF? This is her punishment for taking the lives of these precious little babies?
Prosecutors agreed that Marie Noe and society would benefit more from her getting counceling, how the hell would this benifit society? I say throw the bitch in jail or suffocate her like she did her babies! We are supposed to take pity on the old bitch cause she had mental problems? Who doesnt?
Our justice system is just all screwed up if you ask me, many people in this world try so hard to have children and many times are unable to conceive. I for one only have a 30% chance of ever having a baby and what I wouldnt give to be able to give birth to a healthy beautiful child. Here is this woman taking the precious lives of her eight healthy infants, God only knows what these babies went through while in the care of this murderer.
While Marie confessed to killing her babies, she said "dont tell my husband", her husband was so damn nieve that he stated " I dont beleive she would do this". Come on, living with someone for so many years and not noticing that something upstairs isnt right, and then your children die one right after the other? He didnt suspect anything was wrong here?
Marie's husband wasnt charged in the killings, I think he should of known something and could of tried to stop it somehow. There was a witness at one time watching as Marie was giving a bottle to one her babies, she stated "drink this or I will kill you". What mother would say something like that to their innocent little baby? It was obvious she was not a loving mother.
Below is a link the book about Marie Noe called "Cradle of Death" if you want to read the whole story you can purchase this book from amazon, just click the link.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Breakfast Smoothie
This little after I wake up pick me up gives me the nutrition I need to start my day as well as being very healthy and tastes great! Here is my recipe as follows:
- 1 banana (ripened and cut in chunks)
- 1 cup of strawberries (take the stems off and cut them in half)
- 1/2 cup fat free thick and creamy vanilla yogurt ( I use yoplait)
- 8 Ounces of Silk soy milk
Sunday, January 13, 2008
New York Giants vs Dallas Cowboys!
Friday, January 04, 2008
2008 Begins!
There is something that makes the universe go on an on and I don't think that mankind are the only ones who make things happen. Something somewhere is in total control of everything, why are there wars, killing, hatred? Where is peace and harmony?
We don't live in a perfect world and oh imagine if we did! Would it be fun or sorrowful? How would we go about our daily lives not hearing of bad things happening and that people never died.
Over crowding, but never any sickness or pain, our loved ones stayed walking upon this earth as we do now and not as spirits among us, and there was never any cause for arguments or fights. Could this actually happen? It seems to impossible to me and probably is, but some how I feel as if this higher one whom ever it may be has the power to change any and all things, so why doesn't it change then if there is so much power?
I'm sitting here so tranquil on my sofa sipping a cup of hot chocolate with my comfy Ohio State blanket wrapped around me, my laptop on my lap, and while I am gazing out the the big picture window at the snow I feel the calmness of the snowy night coming over me. Its so cold outside but yet it looks so peaceful, so quite, I wish the whole world could all be quiet and feel so peaceful like that, if only just for a short moment, maybe then would things improve in our daily lives and how we face each and every day.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
2007 Comes To the End!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Seasonal Depression Time!
I can't recall any childhood tragedies, maybe there is something deep within me that remains untold. Spooky feeling wondering if anything happened in my life when I was a child that I don't recall and its making me depressed? Who knows! Maybe I should do some research on myself and see what dark secret lies beneath, lol.
Right now I'm not feeling like putting up a Xmas tree, let me blame it on depression. I should try to shrug this off and put one up but living alone it shouldn't really matter, or should it? If I had children I would most likely do it for them.
I need to get shopping, I have many people to buy gifts for. I purchased a few things so far but I need to get on the ball. I am a slacker for sure and need something to get me motivated, this coffee isn't doing me much good I think I need another cup!
Maybe I need to put up that tree after all, beside where am I gonna put my friends gifts after I wrap them? in the closet so all the bows get smashed? Leave the gift bags just scattered around my apartment?
Nah, I would rather have them set out under a tree so when my friends come for a visit they can try to guess at what they got by examining the package. They should know that would be a hard task as I try to wrap gifts in a way that's impossible to guess whats in it, lol. I think just by talking about gifts and Xmas trees I feel the need to decorate, oh good could my depression be over so quickly? Let's hope!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Scent Of Autumn
Children play in piles of raked leaves, jumping into the middle and smelling the invigorating fragrance of dried leaves swirling around them in the soft wind. The leaves cling to their sweaters as they frolic amongst them in delight while parents watch remembering how fun it used to be when they were small doing this same fun thing. Some parents even join in trying to rekindle a moment of a childhood once lost.
Looking back at my childhood, I too took part in this great adventure jumping into a pile of leaves spreading them around all over the ground below me.I always purchase Autumn scented candles this time of year to have the sweet smell of remembrance that it is my favorite time of year. Soon be to walking through the park on a cool Octobers day I will take some pictures as I stroll through the colored trees surrounding me with such tranquility.
Walking through the park is one the best things to do on an Autumn day, taking pictures capturing the essence of Fall. I have included a slide show of some Pictures I took last year of Autumn in the park. I haven't taken any this year yet but I will post them as soon as I do, hope you enjoy! These pictures were taken by me.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
No More Myspace!!
Let me first let all my friends know that I am still alive, barely, but I wanted to return to blogging for some time now but just kept up with MySpace instead and never really gave any time at all to my blog. I deleted my blog a few times and then recreated it. I did this on MySpace also, lol. Well I have decided this is where I want to post, rant, complain, laugh, cry... my list goes on. I have deleted my profile on MySpace and I will not be recreating it again.
I see things this way... Blogging is sort of laid back like Ohio and MySpace is like New York City, do you feel me? I think you get the idea. I like laid back comfortable things in my life and hate the rush hour style of life, so here I am to stay!! Anyone want to share their feelings with me about Blogger verses MySpace? Feel free to post your comment.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Did Anyone Miss me?
Monday, June 25, 2007
My New Kitty
Pandora sleeps on my bed with me at night and lays up by my head purring, she is such a lovable little kitten, I am glad I decided to take her. I posted a pic of her below, the picture came out really bright and I tried to fix it in, but it turned the color of my kitty blue, lol. I tried to take a pic of her without flash but it looked like a ghost pic, my batteries in my camera were going dead so maybe that could of been the issue. . . Dont know for sure.